About Us
Our award winning PTA would like to welcome you to another year at Loyal Heights Elementary School. We are very proud of our ongoing commitment to our learning community. The LHPTA works side by side with school administration to fulfill our mission and strengthen all aspects of student and family life at the school. LHPTA is a highly functioning, fun, passionate and influential parent group, making invaluable contributions to our community of growing learners. It is our goal for our membership to reflect 100% participation from our community. Your involvement and your voice is what the Loyal Heights legacy is all about— for 100 years and counting!
Our Mission
Provide and support inclusive programs to enrich the educational experiences of all Loyal Heights Elementary students.
Collaborate with our school and staff in fostering a learning environment, where students feel welcomed, comfortable, supported, and inspired every day.
Encourage and promote family participation.
Advocate for the equitable and inclusive education of all children in our community.
Why We Volunteer
We are here to continue the strong tradition of parent involvement at Loyal Heights Elementary School. We produce events that raise funds for instructional support of teachers, facility improvement, and enrichment programs, and we organize and staff programs and events that give further enrichment opportunities to the students. As in-school volunteers, we feel privileged to witness the growth and achievements of children and believe our presence sends a powerful message to each of them: “We care about your learning and want to assist you in reaching your potential.” Our reliable, adult presence makes a difference in the lives of the children at Loyal Heights School.
Programs & Fundraising
Loyal Heights has one of the most active and successful PTAs in Seattle. Our fundraising efforts throughout the year ensure that the programs needed to make our school successful are funded. The LHPTA funds enrichment programs such as Science Fair, Technology Integration, Student Council, the Arts, Equity Round Table, Community Growth, Legislative Support and so much more. Our budget and financial statements are available to any LHPTA member for review. To request a copy, please contact our co-Treasurers or President.
Staff & Academics
Working together with the administration and staff in a seamless relationship, the LHPTA is right there making sure that the school's needs are taken care of from funding, to volunteers, to supplies. Among the academic programs the PTA funds directly for the school are Tutoring, Support Staff, Math Program Support, Professional Development, Special Teacher Grants and Classroom Funding.
Legislative Issues
The LHPTA is also very active in Legislative issues. The parents of Loyal Heights were instrumental in getting the 2007 school levy passed, and our PTA board had direct input on the technology budget for the 2013 school levy. The LHPTA is very active at a Seattle School District level too, attending school board meetings and making our voice heard. Our PTA joins with other local PTAs and the Washington State PTA to continue to fight for children's rights.
It's not all work and no play: our PTA is a great place to make new friends and get to know the families of the children who are learning and playing with your child every day. We host many social events throughout the year. Our Move-A-Thon, Family Dance and Auction are second to none for fun! You are not only choosing a school for your child, you are choosing a community for your whole family - and the families of Loyal Heights enjoy their time together.
The motto of the National PTA is "every child, one voice". At Loyal Heights we also see that one child needs all voices to reinforce a strong sense of support for who they are becoming. The LHPTA is very proud of its many innovative programs, unique focus on family fun and best of all, for what we are doing to contribute to the success of all of our children.
Join the PTA
Our success depends on our members. If you are a Loyal Heights parent, family member or friend of the community, we want your input and support. Please join our PTA and let your voice be heard.
Executive Board
Co-Presidents: Angela Pal & Alexa Benyak
Vice President: Lemy Tran
Secretary: Kari Saurage
Co-Treasurers: David Bryan & Jeremy Macht
Standing Committees
Auction Co-Chairs: Jessie Hammer & Ally Magnano
Move-a-thon Co-Chairs: Jessie Hammer & Laura Kruse & Alexa Benyak
Staff Appreciation Co-Chairs: Cait Freeman & Jennifer Parietti
New Family Coordinator Chair: Sarah Benson
Parent Education Co-Chairs: Rachel Zell & Alexis Gentry
Book Fair Co-Chairs: Marta Dully & Adrienne Centano
Trading Post Co-Chairs: Jess Jervinsky & Colleen Murphy
Green Team Co-Chairs: Kate Campbell & Jennifer Weis
Field Day: Erin Bembry & Annie Menard
Yearbook: Julie Bayer
Marquee: Mary Shadley
Spirit Wear: Lauren Armstrong
Principal: Michael Berkenwald
Vice Principal: Miguel Sansalone
Teacher/Staff Representative: Kathy Katzen
Board Members
Fundraising Chairs: Jessie Hammer & Ally Magnano
Volunteer Coordinators: Lillie Pulley & Trisha Covich
Communications/Social Media: Rachel Zell
Membership Chairs: Maggie Helsel & Sadhbh (Sive) Wynne
Technology Chair: Jarrod Peace
Theater Arts Group (TAG) Chair: Constanza Malfanti
Equity Committee Chair: Rahel Tesfahun
Neurodiversity & Special Ed Chair: Shirley Rivadeneira
Enrichment Chairs: Jill Jandreau & Abby Anzalone